Wild Manhood (Rite of Passage of Manhood into Excellence)

Wildman Initiation
The rite of passage of manhood into divine masculinity is an self-initiation process. Men yearn to be initiated further because with each earthing activation they transform. Men are meant to experience worldly matters that heighten sexuality, sensuality and physicality to ground their feeling and spiritual bodies. He must graduate worldly matters through a fire of courage that tests his limits and fire of the ego that makes him confident and eager to take on complex forms, strategies and patterns. The wildman is breaking down the world by challenging his personal strength. Men who do not challenge their personal strength do not experience the fullness of their personal power. Men must exalt their personal power to feel successful within their full range of life energy.
Boys are learning worldly matters and struggle with identity, social acceptance (to be understood), ego (status quo or projecting competitive winner) and domination, submission. Boys cross through the threshold towards manhood when worldly matters are challenged by the principles of divine femininity or Goddess of Creation. Worldly matters are not enough for a man. Man desires personal power, to be in control of his own life force, destiny. Goddess of Creation teaches cosmic laws that present tests on self-discipline, self-control and personal strength to sharpen/sensitize the senses and guides a man towards self freedom, which is the deconstruction of worldly matters and construction of fuller range of experience. Men want experience. They are hungry to be a leader of their domain. The wildman rides horse bare back, wrestles with other men, free style rock climb, run through the mountain, deep sea dive––experience earthing activation to discover his personal power that develops creativity and humility towards building character, caliber and commitment through the Goddess of Creation.
Divine femininity takes a boy and pressures him to self initiate through the ecstatic pleasure she represents that he so wants to master within his own experience. However, the ecstatic pleasure of divine femininity is heartfelt sensuality boys are drawn to initially because it gives him emotion and mental stability but cannot hold until worldly matters are pursued and transformed. Men transform habits, patterns and ways of thinking/worldly matters persona challenged by cosmic laws that teach karma, cause and effect and emotional maturity through taking on the wildman liberation.
The wildman liberation is a total transformation from worldly matters––concerns about money, sex, status, social acceptance and identity, ego into a deep passion for living on the edge to deprogram the hardness, emptiness and mental bankruptcy worldly matters can bring due to heavy “lack, not enough and ties” that bind a man to a fixed mind rather than warms his body with personal power to develop a fuller sexual, sensual and physical life force. Simply, worldly matters doesn’t fill up the fullness of a man. A man can play the game of life and win money, status, social acceptance and identity, ego but never reap personal power of a man, which activates instincts, intuition, fire of wild energy and character. Character of man doesn’t come from worldly matters. It is developed through earthing activation that breaks down his habits, patterns and ways of thinking by introducing him to soulful philosophy to ignite a different type of sexual, sensual and physical experience.
The boy begins to desire control over his life force by self-initiating himself into animal movements that restore a dignified feeling that upgrades boy out of desperation, aggressiveness and restlessness into a shape-shifter who has personal power to evoke exalted states of personal strength to fulfill a talent, skill and/or trade with collaboration with cosmic laws. Boys are eager for sex because the fire feeds his charisma. Boys want money to satisfy his identity and ego. Boys want attention to feel successful in worldly matters. Once a boy has these things, his hunger still persists. There is only so much sex, money, food and water a boy claims is his gold ticket until cosmic laws of manhood challenge him to use his fire for wild pursuits to uncover golden knowledge that helps deprogram the weakness in his ability to experience fuller realities. Wild pursuits are acts of self-initiation through connection with an elder system like a teacher of rock climbing, teacher of snowboarding, etc. recreational activities or personal power activities that shape shift his fire into a sensual, emotional and intellectual royal blue flame of a man’s surrender to his feeling intelligence that wants to teach instinct, intuition and confidence for him to access the totality in self.
Boys becoming men understand the fuller, totality in self cannot be found in worldly matters. It is through earthing activations or the wild side that grants him ecstatic pleasure beyond sex, money, food and water. There is accomplishment for such ego prerequisite and elevation towards deeper sex, reciprocity in money, holistic food and clean water, which is very different from quick sex, cheap money, McDonalds food and plastic water. Wildman is interested in the wilderness, ocean, forest, desert, mountain, river, places where nature provides creative power. When he starts to earth with such electrifying vibrations his upper chakras activate, giving man taste, sight, smell, hearing and touch that is deeper, fuller personal power.