Phases of Wild Manhood

Boy and the Man
Phase 1)      Boy is with mother-Unconditional/conditional love,self-worth, prosperity/lack vibration (age 0-7)
Phase 2)      Boy is with father-Self-esteem, character, big or small dreams, social/economic identity (age 7-15)
Phase 3)      Boy meets the world-Ideology, religion, programs, social norms, pressure to fit in, culture (age 15-25)
Phase 4)      Boy is concerned about his place in the world
Phase 5)      Boy creates an identity, ego and learns domination, submission, social order and status quo (money, sex, food and water)
Phase 6)      Boy pursues goals to win in worldly mattes
Phase 7)      Boy experiences a transformative contact with Goddess of Creation
Phase 8)      Boy reflects on worldly matters, feeling incomplete in one's own personal power, edgy or passionate about earthing activation
Phase 9)      Boy self-initiates by getting in touch with an elder when unfilled with current money, sex, habits, patterns, way of thinking
Phase 10)    Boy becoming a man liberates himself by living on the “wild side” to deconstruct worldly programs
Phase 11)    Boy becoming a man focuses on instincts, intuition and personal power by participating in activities that exalt his sexuality, sensuality and physicality that introduce him to a more tribal or down to earth ritual with planet earth
Phase 12)    Man emerges in his personal power connected to soulful philosophy that unlocks his emotional intelligence and self-control, fulfilling worldly matters (money, sex, food and water) while elevating identity and ego into a fuller range of experience with Goddess of Creation
Phase 13)    Man is warrior in his personal power, vibrating the cosmos by shape shifting through complex forms on earth and creation beyond with wise earthing sense of time and space, exalting masculinity in the principles of creation